MIRNEWS.133 12 JUNE 1992 PROGRESS-M13: This freighter will be launched to MIR on 30 June 1992 and is planned to dock with the complex on 2 July 1992. Apart from the normal supplies (water, food, fuel, post, etc.) the freighter will deliver French experiments, 2 new gyrodynes and tools for the installationwork for these gyrodynes. EXTRA-VEHICULAR ACTIVITY: This EVA possibly will take place on 10 July 1992. This crew will do only one EVA, which is necessary in relation to the replacement of 2 gyrodynes in Module-D. The gyrodynes rotate in vacuum-cases inside Module-D and so in fact the replacement will be performed without an EVA. The EVA is necessary to mend and/or open valves on the outer surface of Module-D. The vacuum in the gyrodyne-cases must be achieved via the valves between the cases and open space.On a somewhat longer term they still plan to install an attitude- (roll-) control motor in the top of the Sofora mast, but this will take place after the French expedition and has to be done by the next crew (Solovyov and Avdeyev). The installation of the new gyrodynes is urgently needed. NAVIGARE NECESSE EST: At the moment more Russian cosmonauts are seaborne than there are in space. Kosmonavt Pavel Belyayev: This former trackingship left London for Portugal and Spain on 2 June 1992. Regularly in ports as well at sea K.P.B. makes contact with the cosmonauts on board MIR. Among the passengers of K.P.B. are some cosmonauts: Savinykh, Afanasyev and -possibly- the good old G. Titov. PROFESSOR KHLYUSTIN: This ship -never involved in tracking operations- is cruising from St. Petersburg through the Baltic, North Sea and the Channel. It has been very difficult to get sufficient information about the purpose of the cruise and the itinary. Sometimes I felt like the English admiral searching for the Bismarck in WW-II. The ship left Russia on 6 June 1992 with a spaceflight exhibition and a lot of prominents, among which 3 cosmonauts, on board. The purpose has been contained in the definition: 'International Scientific and Educational Ecological Expedition in the framework of Space in the Interest of Inhabitants of Planet Earth'. Head of the expedition is cosmonaut G.T. Beregovoy., his deputee is a writer (and editor) Chukanov. 2 more cosmonauts are among 63 prominents, i.e. Oleg Makarov and Anatoliy Filipchenko. Among the scientists is the Head of the Geophysical Faculty of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. On 11 June 1992 the ship visited Antwerp, but instead of starting an interesting program for Belgians, the ship already on 12 June shaped course for Le Havre. Thusfar further plans seem not to have been revealed and so we must continue our Bismarck-like search. And of course, according to naval-staff practice, being prepared for the hunt of a 3d vessel: we already heard the name of the formertrackingship K.G. Dobrovolskiy. TRANSFER OF MY MESSAGES POSSIBLY SUSPENDED FOR SOME WEEKS: The system operator of of my key-node in the chain to packet-radio facilities will suspend his activities during his leave as of 15 June 1992. I will continue my work and my messages can be found on the BBS of FIDO NOS, F.A. 2, Tel. 035-245395. After the return of the system operator all outstanding (do not object against the second meaning of this word as well) files will be dissipated by p/r as soon as possible. Chris v.d. Berg, NL-9165/A-UK3202.